I am already monitoring my network

You have a network monitoring system. Do you have complete insight into your infrastructure? Does your system provide you with all the data you need? Does it have a single panel from which you can start navigating?


Health check

  • System diagnostics in terms of monitoring and managing network infrastructure

  • Overview of the current system setup and creating recommendations for enhanced performance.


Advisory services

  • Developing extensive and advanced reports and alerts.

  • Enhancing views and network infrastructure maps.

  • Ability to select ready-made dashboards and NOC views from the IT-Indago directory and implementing them.



  • Basic and advanced theoretical and practical training packages.

  • Training fulfilled as: 20% theory and 80% independent practice.


Support decision

Schedule a personal meeting with us at your company.


Health check and advisory services

We will collect your logs, events, setups and we will develop an in-depth analysis of the condition of your system. We will personalise and enhance your views and reports. We will optimise and create dynamic device groups which will develop independently.


System training

Refresh your knowledge in the monitoring system. We will ensure quick training for new employees and we will present all new functions.


Development – engineering hours

Did you forget an additional report or to add an alert? You always have engineering hours to use as you see fit. Would you like to keep our services under post-deployment care? This is the service for you.


Technical support

Are you afraid of unexpected failures? Provider support does not meet your expectations? Use our knowledge and experience to quickly resolve issues.